Re: Conformists and Non-Conformists


Subject:      Re: conformists and non-conformists
Date:         Mon, 02 Dec 2002 14:59:06 -0700
From: (Plain, Simple, Blackhawk.)
Organization: mail is only accepted at ""

In article <>, Heck 
<> wrote:

> The definition of boundary from mathematics is, given a set, 

                 \    /
                  \  /          Hello, I am a given set.
          _________\/_________ /
         |  ________________  | This is my boundry--,
         | '                ' |                     |
         | |    (o)  (o)    | |                     |
         | |       __       | |<--------------------'
         | |                | |
         | |      \()/      | |
         | ',______________,' |

> the boundary
> of that set is another set that contains points that are members of the
> first set and points that are not members of the first set.

                 \    /
                  \  /           I think that depends 
          _________\/_________ / on what your point is!
         |  ________________  |  All my points are members,
         | '                ' |  and the never leave home                    
         | |    (o)  (o)    | |  without the American Boundry Card(tm)!                   
         | |       __       | |
         | |                | |
         | |      \()/      | |
         | ',______________,' |

> Points that are and are not in the first set complement one another, 

    You look marvelous!    You're pretty sharp yourself!
                     \     /
                      .   .
                point A   point B

> in fact are connex - by definition, they entail one another, like, once you
> have the notion of parent, you must also admit the notion of child and vice
> versa.           
                   Mom, is that you?
      Stop         /
 entailing me!  . . .__ I have a notion that I am.
              \.     .
     I think __.     .
we're connex    . . .
      What's happening?

> So it is socially, where both conformits and non-conformists support the
> whole.  Each needs the other, the collective needs the contributions of
> both, the conformists for the continuity and substance and the
> non-conformist loyal opposition to enliven, to invigorate and to give
> boundary and limits to the group.

 I'm sick of holding up this boundry!              
                      \              But I need you for continuity
                       \                      /       and substance!
                     __(\___/)___       __(\___/)___
                     \_/_  _ (__/       \_/_  _ (__/
                       ), (o  \           ), (o  \
                      /_    /  \___      /_    /  \___
                      \__,-' ~  || \     \__,-' ~  || \
                          ||____||/ \        ||____||/ \
                          | ===  | \_\       | ===  | \_\
                         _|  .   |_/ )     _/|  .   |_/ )
                  _____ / |  |   / /\_____/ /|  |   / /\_______
                 |     (_(|  -  (_(/      \_\|  -   \_\/       |
                 |        |       |          | non   |         |
                 |        |  '    |          |  '    |         |
                 |        |conform|          |conform|         |
                 |        |  |    |          |  |    |         |
                 |        |       |          |       |         |
                 |        |__'____|          |__'____|         |
                 |          ||  ||             ||  ||          |
                 |b'ger/BH_/ /\/ /\___________/ /\/ /\_________|
                          (_(_(_(_/          /_/_/_/_/

> This has theological, intellectual and physical instantiations, too.  Top
> posting, full-quoting?  

I don't know, but as far as this post was concerned, it...
> Don't make me laugh. 

plain, simple, blackhawk.
How now, socially non-conformist cow?

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